Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Starting Something New

This year I want to try something new. Many friends have blogs, so I'm going to give it a try. I'm working at a grocery store in the deli department. I do the work of an assistant manager, but don't get paid for it. But hopefully will soon get the promised promotion.

My daughter will be 18 months old on January 16th. I can say she's the best thing that I have in my life. Everyday is a new adventure with her. On mornings I have to work, i get her out of bed, change her diaper, and the first thing she says is "Dora". My funny little girl wants to watch Dora at 6am. She doesn't want to get out of bed, but she wants to watch Dora. Some days the only way I can get her to come in the house is the promise of Dora. Sad but it works. For Christmas her daddy bought her a Dora doll that is as big as she is. First thing she does when we get home from the babysitter is get that doll out of her bed. SOOOOOOOOOO cute.

As for her daddy, we are hit and miss. He's a sometimes dad. But he's around sometimes. Kari doesn't call the babysitters husband daddy anymore, but she still prefers "Mr. Bill" over her daddy though.

As for me, I really don't know what I want to do with my life. Right now I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. Can't afford to quit work to go back to school, but don't make enough money to live without family's help. Don't know what I'm going to do. But this year, I'm making it my goal to figure out what I want to do when I grow up. Stay tuned to find out more. lol

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