Thursday, March 4, 2010

New Resolve!!!

Inspired by a friend and her family, I've decided to do the 30 day shed by Jillian Michaels from the Biggest Looser. I've got to do something to loose some of this weight. I just completed my first workout in a long time. I don't think I've worked out, I mean really worked out sense I was in College. My legs and arms are going to kill me tomorrow, but I'm GOING to do this. I need to. Let's see if I feel this same way next week. I'm going to work out every day right after Kari goes to bed for the night. 20 minutes a day isn't going to kill me, I just need to get healthy again.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Sick Kid!!!

I love it when daddy comes and visits, he's sick and stays two days. He's in close area with my daughter, watches her, has her play next to him. Then goes away. 7 days later, the incubation period is over and she gets sick. Throws up, diarrhea and the whole nine yards. Everyone in the house gets sick. Whey would you do that to her? He new he was sick, but still didn't even have a thought to STAY AWAY from us. Now for the last 5 days, both Kari and I, plus everyone in the house, has been sick. We've finally gotten over most of it. But still. IF YOU ARE SICK DON'T COME HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!