Sunday, February 21, 2010

Kari's Daddy

I got a phone call Thursday night saying that Kari's daddy was coming for the weekend and he wanted her. Alright, I can handle that. (saves me a little money). So I get ready for work Friday morning and head off. Work my 8 hour shift. Head home. I get to my bedroom door, open to Dora on TV, Kari playing on my bed, and her daddy sleeping. I change my clothes, pick up Kari and notice she has a full diaper. I say "Wow you have a full diapie". Her daddy said "I changed her diaper 2 times today, you can do it." He changed her diaper only 2 times in a 9 hour period. (lucky she didn't get diaper rash) I asked him what she had eaten. He said she had a can of chicken (like tuna) and carrots. In a 9 hour period she ate a can of chicken and carrots (oh and some root beer).

I lay her down on my bed to change her diaper and she screams "bye bye bye bye bye bye". She didn't want to spend any more time in that bed than she had too. What the hell am I going to do with him? Kari loves him, but he's not good for her.

On Saturday, he decided to leave while I was still at work. He asked Grandma if she could watch Kari till I got home. What would he do if she said no? leave her alone. Man what am I going to do with him????//

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I put soap, water, fabric softener, clothes, etc... in the washer and left it. I went back an hour later. Water was full, clothes were wet, but that washer wasn't washing. I pushed, pulled, flipped breakers, and unplugged, to no avail, the washer wasn't' going to agitate. Man, life sucks. I pulled my clothes out, rinsed and rung out all the clothes. My hands hurt more that they had in a long time. But I put the clothes in the dryer, and they were ready the next morning.

But that washer still isn't working. So to wash all my daughter's clothes, I'm going to sit on my short day at work, and wash clothes at the laundry mat. Man I have better things to do that sit at the laundry mat and wash 20 pair of toddler socks. Yeah, me....

Lets see how long it takes me...

Monday, February 8, 2010

SO Sad

Well, my time off is over. I'm back to real life tomorrow. I'm so disappointed in myself. Yet again I didn't do anything. It was too cold to take Kari out in the weather. Then when we went to Grandma Faye's house we didn't do anything again. Well I've got to do something soon or I'm going to bust.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My Vacation

I'm so excited for my time off of work. I haven't had a vacation in over a year. I took time off before I had Kari, until I started work after Maternity leave, but that really wasn't a vacation. I wish I had the money to go away, but being a single mom, who works for little money and a baby daddy who doesn't always give me the money that I need, well I don't get to go anywhere.

I'm going to get Kari's 18 month picts taken tomorrow. I have a shirt that says "I Love Mommy"and a pair of jeans. She's going to look sooo cute. I think I'm going to put her hair up in pig tails. It's getting long enough.

I'm just ready for something new, something to change, or someone to change... but I don't think that will happen anytime soon.