Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My Vacation

I'm so excited for my time off of work. I haven't had a vacation in over a year. I took time off before I had Kari, until I started work after Maternity leave, but that really wasn't a vacation. I wish I had the money to go away, but being a single mom, who works for little money and a baby daddy who doesn't always give me the money that I need, well I don't get to go anywhere.

I'm going to get Kari's 18 month picts taken tomorrow. I have a shirt that says "I Love Mommy"and a pair of jeans. She's going to look sooo cute. I think I'm going to put her hair up in pig tails. It's getting long enough.

I'm just ready for something new, something to change, or someone to change... but I don't think that will happen anytime soon.

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