Sunday, August 1, 2010

Another Long One

Well today was just as long as yesterday, but I didn't have to clean the fryer. One guy from another dept even helped for a while. But it stayed busy so the day went by faster than I expected.

Kari had a stay home day with Grandma today. Grandma tried to put her down for a nap, but she wouldn't fall asleep for anything. Needless to say she was a little grump when I got home. But we went outside and played with her water table for about 20 min, but it got so hot that my ear lobs were sweating so we came inside for some juice. We ate some dinner of mac and cheese and strawberries and Kari grabbed her cup, blanket, book and big Dora and went to her bed. She was laying down ready to sleep before I even turned the light off. Yea for long days.

I had another day of not wanting to work out, but I did it as soon as I put Kari to bed. I really starting to get better at the cardio, but I wish I hadn't stopped dancing all those years ago. I'm so out of shape it isn't funny. But I'm feeling muscles in my legs that I hadn't realized were there for years. So five days down with Jillian Michaels 25 more to go. Lets see if I loose any weight or I just tone up a little. Either way I'm feeling better now and have more energy to play with Kari.