Saturday, July 31, 2010

Wore out!!

Today has been one of those days that I just wanted to get back into bed. I got to work and had to do an hour and half of work that should have been done the night before. But I guess that's the way it goes. Then I had the Co-Director tell me to call the person that was to come in at 12pm and tell her not to come in until 2pm. So I wasn't able to take a meal today. Didn't have enough time to get everything done and be away from the department for 30 min. So life goes... Then while I was using the rest room, I realized my pants had wore out and I had holes in the legs.

So after I got off work, I picked up Kari, came home and took my holy pants off and flew to the store to get new pants to wear tomorrow.

For the last week I've worked out after Kari's gone to bed, but today I REALLY didn't want to, but I pushed through it and completed my 20min workout. I haven't noticed and change in my body yet, but my legs and arms don't hurt as much as they did the first couple of days. So there's some improvement, but my cardo isn't going as well as I'd like, but I'm trying to push through it.

Weight 160lbs still the same.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

It's been a while!!

I haven't written on here in a while, but I guess late is better then never.

I've stopped drinking pop, and started exercising. I've needed to for a long time and just haven't gotten around to it. Truth is I didn't want to, I've been too lazy. But I started out on a good note. I've started to loose weight just stopping drinking the pop. I've worked out every day for the last week, I haven't done that since college. I'm going to write how much I weight and write down how much I loose each week. Maybe it will keep me going.

Here we are today:

July 29, 2010: Weight 160lbs

I worked out so hard today that my legs are hurting in places that I didn't know they could.

Kari also took a nap!!! Yahoo.